
Business tips: Making the most of digital and cloud

Going digital is a no-brainer for any forward-thinking business. We’ve summarised the big advantages of embracing cloud tech and a digital business model. #businessadvice #digitaltransformation Transforming into a digital business sets the best possible infrastructure for your future growth. And, as your business scales, the benefits of going digital will start to become obvious. Running your key business...

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Could outsourcing help you grow your business?

A surge in work is great news for a small business – but it can also be a source of stress. Outsourcing can help you cope with a seasonal or irregular burst of sales, without the commitment of new employees. When you run a small business, the amount of work can ebb and flow. Unexpectedly busy periods can...

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Company year-end preparations: time to get ready

Is your company’s year-end getting close? Talk to us about planning your year-end tasks and delivering a smooth and hassle-free year-end process. #tax #accounting As your company year-end date gets closer, there are a number of administrative and financial tasks to start planning for – so it’s a good idea to get yourself organised and ready. There are...

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Happy New Year

Thank you for your business in 2022.  We wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year - we hope it brings you health, wealth, and happiness. For business owners, this is often the time of year when you reflect on where you are at and think about your business goals for the year ahead. These could be lofty...

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The importance of goodwill in your business

Goodwill in accounting refers to the intangible value that a company can hold, above and beyond the pure financial value of its assets. This covers areas like brand reputation, intellectual property, and both external and internal relationships. A business that can show its goodwill in the marketplace is actually worth more – both intangibly and financially. When a...

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Quick Tips: What counts as a ‘trivial gift’?

Giving occasional gifts to your staff is a great way to keep them engaged and motivated. But how much can you give before these gifts become taxable? Certain lower-value gifts can be given to employees (including directors) tax free. These have to be classed as ‘trivial gifts’ to qualify. But what counts as ‘trivial’ in these circumstances? What...

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Are employee parties tax-free?

If the rules around social functions are followed, staff events like your end-of-year Christmas party, are tax-deductible for you, as the employer, and tax-free for your staff. This means you can claim back some of the expenses you incur when putting on a social event for your team, while also helping to build better team bonds.  Whether your party is...

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